It was day five of quarantine when I realized that trying to work on my computer at the dining table was not going to cut it anymore. Between the kids trying to eat next to me and the constant interruptions I just wasn’t getting anything done. So I took matters into my own hands and created a work station while considering 7 key things. Some of which will be obvious and one very important thing you may not have considered.
It is crucial to find a spot where you won’t constantly be distracted. Look for low traffic areas, preferably without a TV. Do you have a closet you’re not using efficiently, I window nook that you could shave off a few feet from, the end of a hallway?
We do have an office but for all intents and purposes it is my husband’s office and art room and I really needed somewhere I could have my things and my sanity! Without another room to designate as my own office I started looking around for a nook to carve out. The upper level of our home is where we all sleep. Our bed is in the main area and then our kids share the back bedroom.
I can’t stress the importance of lighting enough. Studies have shown that having exposure to natural light has a wide range of health benefits, including increased productivity. Natural light helps constrict your pupils, which benefits the function and reading ability of your eyes. The reality is that our eyes are not meant to function with artificial light, but rather under full-spectrum lighting. Having exposure to natural light will help boost your productivity and improve your vision. If you can’t position yourself in a bright space consider investing in a full spectrum light bulb . The light upstairs is so beautiful and inspiring and makes me really happy! I’m a visual person so obviously that is super important to me and effects my mood and motivation.
I am easily distracted by color and when I am working on a design I need to be able to keep my work space a blank canvas. For me having mostly white works. Other colors to consider are greens and blues. Both of these colors are very relaxing and comforting. If you’re not looking to repaint there are other quick ways to bring in color, for instance green plants or a dark blue chair.
TIP: One of my favorite things to do this time of year is cut some budding branches and put them in a vase. Most often they will continue to grow and bloom for weeks and it is so awesome to watch the arrangement evolve. Plus its free!
I ultimately swapped out the chair in the photos for one with a little more cushion but you may even consider not having a chair at all and creating a bar height standing desk (Love the idea of doing a single board in-between window casing to create this!), maybe you want to try a balance ball or swivel stool. Whatever helps you stay comfortable and engaged in your work I say do it!
Studies have shown that the average person spends a week each year looking for missed papers. Yep, you read that right, a whole week! Everyone’s needs will be different but it’s important to consider this as you design your space. If you need to have access to files use a file cabinet as the legs of your table similar to what I did. Use shelves above your desk to keep clutter off of the floor while keeping things in arms reach.
TIP: Personalization is important but shouldn’t get in the way. If you like to have pictures on your desk consider hanging them on the wall to free up valuable space.
If I’d had the chance to go out and do this from scratch with all the materials available to me I would have wanted to do a simple reclaimed wood design but in doing my part to flatten the curve and stay at home I started an inventory of everything I had at home that I could use to make it work. I found one nightstand and one board that I thought might just do the job. Ideally I would have liked to have had two file cabinets or matching night stands but again, working with what I’ve got…
Specifications of my design: The board is 18” x 7’2”. The height was determined by the nightstand and with the thickness of the extra board it is 26” high. To ensure the board was supported enough I mounted a 2x2 to the wall on the left and added two brackets underneath. I happened to have these both on hand I just had to paint them white. The board was precut so I didn’t have the option of stretching it the entire length of the pony wall and I was ok with that because it left room for the curtain to tuck back still. I’m currently using the basket to store a laptop case and camera bag. Large things that wouldn’t typically fit in the drawers but look messy when they are out.
TIP: Love these brackets that allow your desk to fold down when not in use.
Below is a little before and after comparison for you. For some perspective of layout, the pony wall hides the stairs and directly opposite the desk is our bed.
What do you need in order to be efficient? High speed internet, surge protector with multiple plugins, printer, scanner, fax, shredder? Now take all of the things you listed and decide what needs to be visible and what can be hidden away. Can your power strip be mounted to the underside of your desk to hide wires? Can you tuck your printer/scanner or shredder into a drawer so that it is easily accessible but not sitting out? Keeping as many things hidden but conveniently located will keep not only your desk but your mind clear as you are working. If fact, 57% of people think that one's work directly correlates with the tidiness of their office. That means that if your office is messy, your work is likely to be messy as well.
TIP: Muli function and wireless units like this help minimize the amount of space needed and are easily tucked away without having to deal with cords.
The last thing to consider is not part of the design but still crucial to your success, especially if you are working from home with little ones like I am! Determine and communicate what your expectations are for your work space and during the time that you are working. My family knows that they don’t touch or move anything from my work space. If they need a pen or a charger there are others located in the common areas of the house. I wake an hour before everyone to get my day started and work for at least two hours in the afternoon while our little one naps. Having these set boundaries and designated work times allows me to be more present for them when I’m not working and ensures I have what I need and won’t be distracted.
So what do you think?! Are you ready to revamp your work space or carve something out from scratch? Don’t be discouraged by stores being shut down. I have a wealth of online knowledge and recently furnished an entire condo 90% online. Leave me comments and questions below and reach out through my contact page if you’d like a FaceTime Consultation :)